
By Enzotraveldog

Pearl Farm

300m offshore at Monkey Mia, WA.

We’re in a great campsite attached to a 3 star resort. Relative luxury after being off grid for a week. The folks ate in a restaurant the night before last. First time for a while. The doggy bag leftovers were excellent!

Yesterday the Sparrow and I had a Mexican standoff with a juvenile emu (extra). I’m not sure if we won or it just got tired of staring us down. Anyhow it wandered off, so I’m calling that a win! (I learnt that logic watching football on TV).

I saw a couple or dolphins from the pier this morning. Mother and calf.

Only one more night here, but before we head off we’re going on a catamaran wildlife cruise in the morning. Dogs welcome! How’s that for dog friendliness?

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