Gable Erratic

By MsGable


Sheep, handsome chap.

Well, today we got up far too early, seeing as it's supposed to be a holiday, and set off for the ferry at Toft. It was extremely slow going because of the fog and not having the local road knowledge of some who overtook us. We tried to keep up with their tail lights but the b*****ds kept turning off to other destinations. Luckily we had fog clear spots and made the ferry in good time. Off on the seas to Yell and a drive across the island to the ferry port at Gutcher. I feel so sorry for Yell. I am sure it is a lovely place but for years all we seem to do is get off the Toft ferry and then drive, at the permitted speed limit, to get to Gutcher in time for the onward ferry. Close run thing! One day Yell, I will shipwreck myself here and have a proper exploration. 

Next then was the ferry from Gutcher to Belmont on Unst. That all got a bit confusing as the big tractor behind us on the ferry from Mainland to Yell had to get off at Unst due to its size, but he wanted to go to Fetlar. So we all had to get off at Unst, do a controlled wheelie in the car park and then get back on the ferry. The tractor was thankfully behind us by then.*

Onwards to Fetlar and we were at the front. G has oft wondered that there are no car wash outlets on Shetland. We know why now. A trip on the Fetlar ferry gets you power washed more times than you could wish. I really thought we might be going under a couple of times, but we bobbed back up, salt washed and sodden but still in one piece. Thank goodness we weren't in my Patsy Bluebell, the amount of seawater over her bonnet she would have coughed her last. Pass the vinegar.

But steered safely to Fetlar we started our search for the Siberian Rubythroat, male. Exciting times.

Well, maybe not. Four and a half hours in fog, eventually lessening to just mizzle, and then whoompf sun! I tramped and tramped and tramped and...... you get the idea ...... and we saw nothing. That's a fib, we saw many Robins, many more Goldcrests, Starlings, Ring Ouzel, Waxwing. Common Redpoll, Mistle Thrush, and Hawfinch.

But no Siberian Rubythroat. Ho hum. We did see the tractor driver from the ferry who apparently had come over to trim the grass verges. Oops! He negotiated several birder's cars by raising his cutter over them and then back down to start cutting again. I bet he wished he could have dumped a load of grass cuttings on the top of some of them. We were fortunately parked out of the way but did get some cuttings backlash from his passing.

So I give you, sheep/yarn and a misty view of Fetlar

Extra: "Keep in a huddle, she's not put her camera away yet"

Extra: Fetlar church

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