Ramblings from Zambia....

By dcafrica


me to the classroom today!  So nice when the kids are pleased to see me!  I had a lovely time with them.  

Then I went to pick up the hard drive which I dropped a few weeks back.  The guy who was checking if it could be fixed lives on the other side of Lusaka.  I turned off the main road onto a side road and went over a hump (there are many humps on Lusaka roads).  As I went over it I saw movement in my right hand mirror....shock horror...it was the back side window of my vehicle!!!  

I stopped and picked it up - thankfully it is still intact!  Probably driving on the rough roads in Eastern province the past few weeks had loosened something....so guess what I have to do tomorrow!

The hard drive cannot be fixed (mainly due to not having proper facilities in Lusaka) but the guy is going to UK soon and will take it with him to se if someone there can fix it for me!

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