
... They dined on mince and slices of quince
which they ate with a runcible spoon!

The quince tree has actually produced more than one quince this year so we were googling what to do with them. Gently poached in a bit of wine sounds rather good. Quince jelly or quince cheese are other posibles.
And a bit more colour for October. You can't have too much in my opinion.

Actually it's been a lovely day, a bit wasted by having my hair done but needs must.

Last night's film, Balloon, was better than the Guardian review lead us to believe. It was based on a true story of two young couples with their four children who escaped from East Germany to West Germany in 1979 via a hot air balloon which they made themselves! There were quite a few clichés, dodgy wigs and over the top music but the tension was very real and it showed the brutality and desperation caused by the idiocy of building walls. You forget how recent that all was too.

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