
By Ronniebofa

Allotments’ looking good

After Yoga class at the Peak this morning spent the afternoon in the allotments where I was joined by my youngest older brother. We achieved a lot and both allotments are looking good with little required in terms of work till next Spring. The last of the potatoes were harvested; black and red current bushes were pruned; remaining French, runner and heritage beans pods were harvested (they will be dried and the seed in them used next year) and plants removed to compost bins; sweet pea plants were removed to compost bins; sweet corn plants were chopped prior to composting; tomatoes and herbs harvested along with some giant leeks; Spring flowering bulbs, which had been delivered a glorious display in containers at home this Spring, were planted to bulk up and give some early colour in the allotments next year; and borders and rows between the foxglove, daisy, sweet Willian and pansy plants that are being grown for Spring bedding were hand weeded and hoed.
The areas sown with green manure are growing well especially the cereals and Nyger; even the area where the pumpkins, squashes, courgettes and marrows were grown has now an almost complete cover of mustard seedlings.
All is looking good and it’s not just me that thinks this: my brother says it’s the best it ever looked at this time of year and he’s got memories of the allotments going back more than 60 years!

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