Highly Unsprung

By CynicalWench

Teuchter in London: Special Assistance Alert

I'm in London for 24 hours for work, travelling down tonight unsupervised and unchaperoned. What could possibly go wrong? Well, so far, I've lost two busses, got on two wrong ones and then was saved by an Ipswich bus driver at Terminal 5 who said he wasn't the right bus either, but to hop on and he'd get me on my way. Awww. What an ace driver. I did an extra special and dramatic "Thankyou Driver!" in homage to him as I left the bus.

I arrived in typically chic fashion...if that fashion happens to be realising you've been wearing your cardigan upside down all day.....yes, not inside out but actually upside down, how is that even possible? Cardidown.

I got off at Liverpool Victoria, stepping off that National Express Starship Enterprise neon blue lighted 404 like the true fearless adventurer I am..fuelled only by a chocolate brownie, unchecked anxiety and a superhero cape disguised as M&S extremely big and comfy pants. On the bus, I had convinced myself I was going to be mugged because I have, like all good former toonser north east rural Scotland residents, a confirmed case of over anxious teuchter by proxy, 18 years in the making. We adopt the "stiff goat faint" approach when confronted at anything that "just ain't the Shire".

I passed the houseboats on the Thames, now i must admit they look so very sparkly and inviting on a dark October evening. They can get honorary teuchter citizenship on me.

I forgot how dark it is 600 miles south when the autumn draws in, the darkness was all encompassing in the evening when we lived down here, my recent travels up to wild Shetland seems like a ray of whip fresh light in contrast. I miss the Shetland air, but London had that cusp of Autumn thing going on tonight that made it feel bizarrely cosy walking to the soup of human souls that is....the premier inn.

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