Dawn (Day 1621)

It was only just getting light this morning as I wander up the hill with the woofers. The extra early start was worth it for the view across the bay as the first light of the day crept out from under the clouds.
I zoomed off to Stromness to get on with the bathroom re-fit. I got organised and got started on building the shower enclosure. Right on cue,  my beautiful wife arrived to give me a hand to put the enclosure round the tray. Shower enclosures are heavy and made of glass and I have struggled with them on my own too many times. Having HV there to give me a hand made it all much easier.
The rest of the day was spent getting the first of the units fitted. It doesn't sound like much, but drilling a hole in the tiles for a screw takes around half an hour. 4 holes means 2 hours of drilling. The tiles are fairly hard.
With the units in place and level and the worktop marked up and ready to cut tomorrow I called it a day, heading down to put a jacket on George after his haircut today.
On the way home, I stopped in past mum and dad to put radiators back on the wall now that their hallway has been decorated.

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