Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54

I Am Woman, Hear Me Roar

(back blip #3)

I really liked the angle I got on this female black-chinned hummingbird.  I think it shows a kind of strength and attitude.  I thought she might have been sending me the message that I am stronger than sometimes I give myself credit know, woman to woman.

I don't think I shared this Zippy anecdote with anyone.  I have a swing perch for the birds. It's used primarily by the finches waiting their turn at the seed feeder. But something really bizzare happened the morning Mom died.  I waited hours for the Deputy Sheriff to clear things with the Medical Examiner and then for the mortuary to pick up her body. During those hours, every time I looked through the door, Zippy was perched on the swing looking in on me.  He stayed for about 10 minutes at a time but kept returning. He sat with me until her body was gone. Isn't that odd?

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