Fortune favours

Those who try!
After yesterday's moody skies, patches of brilliance and far reaching views, today was, well, grim.
But, and it's the but that matters, we went anyway.

A couple of weeks ago we saw some distant blurry shapes and FWG told me she'd never seen wild mountain deer before. "This" thought I "is something I can fix"

Driving along Haweswater I reckoned our chances to be very slim in the low cloud and torrential rain, but this old mountaineer knows a thing or two about his home patch.
It took a goodly while but every so often we were encouraged to persevere by the loud echoing bellows of stags high on the crags and scree.
And then there they were.
A fine big fellow and his harem.
Even at (approx) a 1000ft away you can tell they're very very aware of us. Wild and ready to run. For such a big animal their camoflague is superb. As soon as they trotted into the bracken they were gone.
Fighting low light, a wet lens and at maximum magnification it's not the best of shots, but it was the best of days.

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