
By OurWeePlot12b


I’ve been busy over on my other blip; but still as busy on Plot12b

On Friday. Si cleared what we called Bed 6 and Bed 1. Cleared them dug them over and filled them with fish and blood stuff

He also cleared 21a salad bed.

We are making all the plans for next year!

This is one of the Brussels. - they look so lovely when they are growing don’t they?

Right now we have;

Bed 1: shallots and garlic - carrots to come

Bed 2 : celeriac

Bed 3: Brussels, cabbages

Bed 4 : strawberries

Bed 5: raspberries; strawberries blackcurrants; gooseberries

Bed 6: onions

In 21a. We have leeks and parsnips. And the last of the stock, lilies and today we downed the sunflowers

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