
By TheOttawacker

Concept of the naughty couch: not understood

As a bright and usually quite pleasant child, Ottawacker Jr. is often a pleasure to be around. On occasions, however, his parents have to resort to certain forms of UN-sanctioned psychological warfare, such as the naughty couch.

Unfortunately, as is often the case where these forms of sanction are, erm, sanctioned, the victim often fails to realize its implementations as a punishment. 

And so, as I storm off into the kitchen to pour a large drink, he carries on a stream of polite conversation with me: "Oh Dad, you've rearranged the bookshelves again, they look really nice," or "Can I read the Tolstoy when you've finished?" or something of that ilk.

After two minutes, drink finished, polite conversation moving on to rhetorical questions, we pretend the punishment is over, and carry on with our day.

Outsmarted, consistently, already. Bollocks.

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