
Because I was in hospital Thursday I was given the church flowers again. This is the 2nd time this month. I am sure someone else deserves them more than me.

People were saying how much better I looked this more. More colour and less grey. Until you are well you don’t realise how ill you have been.

Chatted to my sister this morning who is miss’s the old Pete.she said she has been grieving for the last 18 months which is when she lost him really following another small stroke.. it must have been really hard for for her but she has happy memories which they made together and he gave her 10 years of happy married life. The previous 30 were not happy with her first husband having affairs all over the place. At least his wife had he comuppence when he died as he left nothing to her at all. Not a penny. Everything  was divided between the. Grandchildren . She thought she was going to be well off. She got a shock. she got him to divorce my sister and marry her all in the same month when she knew he was terminally ill. But he sussed her out !!!!

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