My helper

I took Tom for his chemo this morning, and after that we went to the jewelers. Some 37 years ago I bought a bracelet watch at the Bucherer store in Lucerne & it's always worked perfectly. When I went to wear it for my nieces' wedding it wouldn't keep time, so I took it to the jewelers near our house, only to be told there was only one "master watchmaker/repairer" they knew of that still worked on wind up watches, so that's where we took it today. While the watchmaker looked at it, the clerk offered to clean my rings while I waited, so I handed them over, only to have him come back and tell me he didn't want to clean my engagement ring, as it was missing a prong and the diamond was loose. So I looked at it, and sure enough, one prong was broken off & only one of the remaining three prongs even looked like they were holding the stone in place. I'm so glad he offered to clean them and noticed it, as I'd have been sick to have lost the diamond. So they're going to put new prongs on my ring as well as fix my watch, which he said needed cleaning and a little oiling and it would be good as new; I should have them back in about a week. When we got home, I had to make a cake for our church fundraiser spaghetti dinner tonight, and Mae wanted to help. She got out the bowl, measuring cups, spatula and the eggs, & then was so proud of herself because she cracked all three eggs into the bowl without getting any shells in it. After it was baked and frosted she asked if she could go with me to drop it off, & I told her she could come with me if she'd pose for me at the park afterward, as I needed a blip, and she agreed. After I took a few shots we went "exploring" for about half an hour, and found we were right under the flight path of the planes landing at Mitchell International Airport. The airport's only about 4 miles from the park, so the planes were coming in low and rumbling--rumbling so loudly that we could feel the vibrations on our skin, & we both thought it was pretty cool! We headed home as we could feel the temperature dropping when the breeze picked up off the Lake. It's snowing in the northern part of the state, and the snow is heading south during the night, but not far enough south to come to our area--we'll just have rain if the weather people are correct. Thank goodness, as I haven't even gotten to experience a full Fall season yet, so I'm sure not ready for winter! 
(I figured Mae's jacket is bright pink so I'll tag this for Hobb's October Color Blitz). :))

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