
By amandoAlentejo

Plan, Prioritise, Protect

Married 27 years this year and still my best friend. Always room for improvement, though, so signed up for an 8-week marriage enrichment course. First session lastnight - 8 couples, each at a candlelit, rose-garnished table - guided talking to each other, but no embarrassing disclosing to anyone else, plus a dessert and a drink at half-time.

Main point this week - you have to invest in a marriage if you want it to be good - at least 2 hours of "marriage time" per week - basically means having FUN together. For this to happen, has to be: planned, prioritised and protected. We have never been good at this, so let's see if we can improve...

The roses, we were given to take home lastnight. The sculpture was a gift from wonderful Brazilian friends for our 25th anniversary - for which we went to Paris and Capri. Which, thinking about it, was MEGA fun - maybe we're just not good at the planned,regular fun...

In case you're interested: www.foundations-westmidlands.org.uk

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