Cardrona Courtyard

We headed to Arrowtown this morning for a look and a wander then over the Crown Range to Wanaka. The weather has not been very nice to us and we've had to contend with thunder, lightning, rain and wind. That meant that photos coming over the range were limited to point and shoots and really there was nothing to see anyway, other than road and cloud.

We stopped at the Cardrona Pub for lunch - as tourists are obligated to do! Lovely lunch followed by a wander around with cameras. It was still hosing down so it has meant some amazing colour in my images.

This is taken in the back garden of the pub. I have desaturated this as I felt that the muted tones better suited the subject. I was really taken with the combination of old cart filled with firewood, saddle over gate, vintage car in shed and the post being used as a prop to stop the shed falling completely into ruin.

The original image, before I desaturated, is in my blipfolio - take a look and see which you prefer.

Far more detail in large.

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