
By Farmerboab

Sunbathing in October .....

A dry windy day .
A trip in to Edinburgh airport to drop Littlemiss off then back home in time to spend the afternoon tagging calves with wee brother.
Mr Broon from Murray Farmcare came over tonight to borrow the dung spreader to spread some middens on his farm. That should give his classic John Deere a good burn up !
Down the road after that to feed the cattle. The other cow that was in calf had just calved but hadn’t had a suck yet. Fingers crossed it will get the idea by the morning, if not it will mean a lot of faffing around to get her in and load her into the trailer to haul them the 5 miles home .
Was all going to plan until the terrier stood on the door button on the Landrover and locked me out with the keys inside. Had to phone Mrs F to bring the spare keys down to get back in while said terrier sat and looked at me out the window with a satisfied smirk on his hairy chops !
We both called in on my contractor who is just out of hospital following a major op. on the way home. Made sure to take the keys out the ignition this time though .
This ewe was doing a spot of sunbathing this afternoon . Luckily she was spotted in time to get rolled over again. If they get trapped on their backs then they can’t belch up the gas in their stomachs and blow up like a balloon until the pressure kills them. Yet another one of the many ways sheep take joy in finding to die if at all possible.

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