Pussycat, In Shades of Gray

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellows,

Oof, what a night. I am a pretty deep sleeper, and it is hard to awaken me from my slumber. But the problem is, that if you DO manage to wake me, then I am AWAKE. 

So my Friday evening was pretty non-eventful. I bought some board games for Jackson and we all sat around and ate the big chicken. Everything seemed fine, other than the fact that our d*ckhead downstairs neighbours seemed to be in rambunctious mood.

No shitehouse techno music this time, but lots of blokey hollering. You know the sort of thing.

"Eeeyyyyyyy-oooooh!!! Waaaayyyyy!!! Ooooohhhh!!!"

I mean. Seriously. What the actual. Even as a young fellow I never felt the need to weeeey-oh. Effing eejits.

But anyway, I didn't think any more of it and went to bed and fell asleep. An hour or two later, I became aware of Caro being quiet.

You know what I mean? How sometimes someone TRYING REALLY HARD to be quiet can be noisier than actual noise? Caro was creeping about calling noise control at 2am because the waaaay-oh was keeping Jackson and Helen awake. They had to move out of our spare room into the living room. 

So I tried to go back to sleep, but then Punky decided now was a good time to have a late late supper. So I fed him and went back to bed. But now my stomach decided to evacuate the big chicken, so I had to get up and deal with that and went back to bed. And then Jasper wanted a cuddle. And then I was just AWAKE. Grumpily awake.

I felt myself drifting off again at around 6am. I'd literally been asleep for 10 minutes when I was aware of Punky nudging me and purring at me. Today's blip is of him walking back and forth across our bed-head, like Olga Korbut.

"You just HAD a late late supper!" I told him. But that fuzzy little boy is like clockwork. He has to have his breakfast at the same time every day. I got up and fed him.

"Yuck!" he said. "I don't want that!" and turned his tail.

Now it is 9am. I reckon I got about 4 hours sleep last night. Jackson and Helen are planning to go out and explore the city. I think I may spend some time exploring my duvet.


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