Sign on a door

'Push it' or 'real good' as a description of my day.

In a sense I felt I was pushing it. Only 2 of us are at work this week and my colleague was off sick today. A lot went wrong today and my job is to sort what, why and fix it. Lots of deep breaths and chipping away. I left with everything in the queue dealt with (but none of my project work touched).

Aspects were real good. An early morning run at at dawn, a break from the office to have coffee and a chat with a friend and the massage after work. That dodgy hip of mine is certainly a lot less dodgy and that is real good. A tail wind home was real good too (even if it felt like fan bake).

Yesterday I had a glaucoma eye test. I back-blipped earlier today if you're interested.

I shall gracefully wind down towards an early night.

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