Bit of a collection?

The last of the neckers, since it's the last I wore.
St. John's College York had a Rover crew.

I haven't a lot of memory of activities then - except a memorable "Wide Game" with the local Scouts where I was on the loose, so to speak and they had to find and apprehend me. Like a clown I was wearing/carrying an "Army pack" with a "TK" Monogram on which I had forgotten about and the kids were looking for "TIKI KANE".
The collection consists of the necker (of course), plus College scarf, practically identical to the contemporary M.A.Y.C. scarf.
The Methodist Association of Youth Clubs happened to have an almost identical scarf; the only real difference was that theirs had a yellow Scallop shell the same approx. size and position as our eagle.

In those far off days (Early 1960s) there was no "Uniform" as such, but we were expected to wear the College tie with our sports jackets, particularly to meals. The black one was the "Dress" version; and, of course, having admitted to the Rowing club, we had a Rowing club tie.
Speaking of ties BTW jacket and tie were obligatory at meals.
Anybody rushing to breakfast tieless was ceremoniously "Drummed out". They were, often, never told; but a rhythmic thump-thump-thump-thump would start on the tables with either clenched fist or slip off shoe/slipper heel. I am proud to relate I was never drummed out to go and don my tie.
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There was a ceremony, "kerfuffle night" when the 3rd year college equivalent of prefects (can't, now remember if they were called "the executive") were all given a cold bath.

We had "done" them all, bar one who had taken refuge in a bathroom/toilet on the 2nd floor.
I left the next dormitory/study/room, by window, did "an F I traverse" across to the bathroom and, more or less simultaneously, turned on the tap and, as he was singing "Do you do you do you do you wanna dance." yelled "YES!, grabbed him by the waist, pulled him away from his lean on the door and un-bolted it, to cries of:-
"TIKI, you bloody ape-man!"
Reckon I must have been a bit of a lad?

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