
By Cumbrialass

Tiffany on a Thursday

I was going to find some Autumn colour .. but it was damp and grey this morning so I thought I'd wait till the afternoon

Lunch with ' the girls from work' .We 're all over 60 and we've all retired..   but .
A good chat, nice to meet up. We never had the chance to really chat when we were working, now since leaving we 've got to know each other better. Its a few months since we last got together.

Stepping out of the cafe into pouring rain  and no sign of Autumn leaves! 

A dash to M& S because M wanted a sweatshirt ( 20% off) but he ended up buying trousers.. as you do!
Didn't see anything for me.. 

Getting dark so much earlier, especially tonight. I wanted to take a photo of the moon. It was looking very dramatic with the rain clouds scudding across it..  a ghostly galleon tossed upon stormy seas.. but too late .. too many clouds and it started raining.

So...What to blip??
My favourite lamp. Bought in Edinburgh. It didn't seem so big till they packed it  in a huge was great fun carrying it to the taxi rank.. no way you'd get on a bus with it. Packed in our car it took up half the boot on the way home. 
We found a place for it.. eventually and I still love it.
Switched off now. it's bedtime.
Thanks for the stars. :)

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