
My Dear Princess and Dear Fellows,

Today it is "Pet Obesity Day". Lemon told me. 

"Happy Pet Obesity Day!" she greeted me, like it was some major holiday and she was expecting me to give her a fat hamster as a gift.

Actually, Lemon is anti-pet in general. She is just not an animal person. Her two boys would love a pet, and so she told them that they could have a hamster.

"You're not allowed to import hamsters to New Zealand," she told me conspiratorially. So occasionally when the nagging gets too much for her, she will take her boys to the pet store and they will ask for a hamster.

"We don't have any," the assistants always say.

"Damn the luck! Tch! What a pity!" Lemon says. 

If, like me, you think that is just MEAN, you need to take it up with her yourself. She just laughs at me.

According to the vet, both our boys need to lose weight. But the simple truth of the matter is that we are both very soft and the catties rule in our house, so I do not think a diet is likely to happen.

Apropos of nothing, here is Jasper, lolling on the couch.

Happy Pet Obesity Day,


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