you don’t have to sit back and relax

Last week I was talking to another mother.

She wasn’t coping with empty nest syndrome.

I said Newcastle isn’t far....

she said ... they aren’t in Newcastle they are in Edinburgh.... 40 minutes away!!!

I said, but that’s nothing. You could drive over and have a drink with them In The student union and then come home!

-  But I miss them in the house.  

And I said but that’s not why you have children.  

You have children to set them free. To let them be everything in an adult you wish for them.  

Yes she said. That’s true.  

And I said the fact that they have left is a reflection you’ve done your job well.  

-  Thanks. But it doesn’t make it easier.

I said, try having one who goes 3500 miles away.... and one who is 9400 miles away... and then they swap over and the one who was 3500 is now 9000 miles away and the other is heading 600 miles away.

And she swallowed and realised that 40 minutes down the road wasn’t anything.

And then I said.

And then you get photos back like this ....

And you feel nothing but pride that you created these brave souls who take on the world.

This one takes his girlfriend to the other side of the world and they live in places where they can’t speak the language ... makes her eat things they have no idea what they are eating

Steve and Jess have been to ‘the lost wall’. Part of the Great Wall of China which hasn’t been rebuilt, hasn’t been tourist-Ified.  They hiked for hours along it; slept in the tower; woke to a sunrise over the wall.  Ate breakfast in a persimmon farm and pulled chestnuts and peaches and pears from trees as they walked.

If that doesn’t fill your heart with maternal satisfaction nothing will.

Set them free. - they aren’t yours to keep

PS In keeping with the "be Excellent" to one another - This photo was taken by Boy'S J  for me especially, it might have been today, it might have been tomorrow, or it might have been yesterday. We aren't good with the time line. 

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