Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

...You've been mooned!

That's lame, isn't it? But if you look at this LARGE you will see the reflection of the little sliver of moon in the water towards the bottom of the frame. See it? You can also see lots of ice further out in the lake - brrrr.

So I got up at 0-dark-hundred this morning to see Hubs off on his trip. And as long as I was up, I figured I'd run over to the park and see if I could try some sunrise pics over one of the lakes. Turns out that taking sunrises is even harder than I thought. I confess that I took this using my Nikon P510 bridge camera set to "dawn/sunset" so there was no skill whatsoever involved other than framing the shot. I am going to do some reading and lurking and see if I can come up with some proper settings/technique to use so that I can get some sunsets when we are in Florida later this month.

The squirrels are all full of themselves now and back to making all kinds of unreasonable demands on the heels of yesterday's blip hitting the Spotlight. They want me to shell their damned peanuts now, if you can believe it! Sheesh. Stay tuned ... I am sure that there will be more from the Squirrels' Union 586 any day now...

Busy day today, so not much camera time other than first thing this morning. Got a couple of mediocre bird shots when I popped out at lunch today but thought I'd stick with this. Part of my reason for keeping a journal is so that I can look back and track my progress as a photographer. I think I'll probably look back on this particular shot someday and chuckle.

Happy Tuesday, blippers!

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