A Day In The Life...

By TonAntoonson

BackBlip Sardinia/Corsica trip : Bastia…

Day 9 of our Sardinia/Corsica vacation  :

We started in Bastia, where we visited the town for 2 hours; made a short stop in Patrimonio where we could taste the local wine, but basically it was a stop for the wine company to earn something & for our Dutch tour guide a possibility to get two bottles of wine for free.  We had lunch in Saint-Florent, a nice little town on the north coast of Corsica; then continued to Nonza which had an old tower on top of the village with nice view over the coast of Corsica & the sea and a nice church. We ended with a ride along the coast of Cap Corse, the northern part of Corsica which was very beautiful. This is a statue of Napoleon Bonaparte in Bastia, apparently how he saw himself : as a Roman Emperor… @ Corsica, France

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