
This morning I went to the park. The first dog I met was 'Bertie the Beardie' but he was on his lead and wasn't allowed to play with me. Actually if he's with his male owner he's always on his lead. It's only when he's with his female owner that he's allowed to have a good run about.

And then it seemed like there was a 'Cockerpoo convention' going on?! There must have been at least 10 Cockerpoos in the park today. But they were all on their leads. Haven't a clue why? I'm sure Cockerpoos like to have a good run about like the rest of us. Anyway as I walked past one, she decided to jump on me even though she was on the lead. Her owner was really grumpy. He kept trying to pull her away from me but obviously as I like other dogs jumping on me I just let her. Eventually though Ann had to put me on my lead for a few mins because Mr Grumpy wasn't going to let his dog off the lead to play. Apparently she runs away and won't come back. Mmmmm........... if  Mr Grumpy was my owner I probably wouldn't come back either.

But then look who I met. A two year old Lab called...................... Actually I can't remember what he was called. He was playing with a ball but when his owner saw me approaching he put the ball in his pocket because he knew that I would steal it??!! I'm very super speedy and can run loads faster than a two year old Lab.  He'd just been to the vets and the vet had told him that he needed to go on a diet and lose some weight so his owner was trying to give him lots of exercise. We played together for ages! His owner really liked me and was happy that I was making him run about so much. This Blip shows us when we'd just come out of the burn. Eventually though two year old Lab got tired so I went racing back to Ann.

I'm getting very good at coming back to Ann when I'm playing. I can't say that my recall is 100% perfect but it's certainly a lot better than it used to be.

This afternoon I went to the field to play with my ball. However after about 15 mins I got a bit tired so kept taking the ball into the undergrowth so that I could lie down and have a little rest. That's usually the sign that the game is over but do you know what I did today?........................ I was really, really tired so I lay down in the undergrowth in a bit that Ann couldn't get to because it was full of nettles. Do nettles not bother dogs? And then I refused to come out. Ann was really angry with me. She said, 'Trixie, I haven't got time to faff around with you. If you're too tired to play, let's go home. I have lots of stuff to do.' And then she walked off and hid behind a tree. But obviously I didn't know that she was hiding behind a tree. I couldn't believe that she was prepared to go home and just leave me in the undergrowth. So I came racing out and ran around looking for her. When I found her, she told me to go back into the undergrowth to find my ball. Unfortunately I couldn't find it. So heyho, that's another ball lost!

…....................BUT, I've had a lovely day of playing today.

PS – After my play with my ball we came home and Ann has set up 'Google Chromecast' all by herself. #Howcleverisshe

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