
By Schoenies

Hello again

Coda is missing having her photo taken! I  had some fun with the wide angle lens!
It's been a long time since I blipped...too long, but I have kept looking at your photos.
A lot has happened in the last few months.

 Hubby turned 80 and we had a big party for friends and family...great fun, but a lot of work!
Two weeks later son Kevin and family left to live in Canada - sad to say farewell to them, and I am missing my lovely little granddaughters 3 yrs and nearly 1yr}
Soon after,  hubby had a knee replacement - the op was a success but he had other complications which led to a longer stay in hospital than anticipated. It was good to have daughter Penni fly from Jhb to be with me. He is doing well now.
Last week we bade farewell to Penni who has gone to work in New York  - her contract is for two years, but who knows! She will be at UNICEF headquarters.

So I have been distracted!! But it's time to get back to my photography and keeping up with my  wonderful fellow blippers!!

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