What I think about...

By sparram

Did We Win...

The League or No?

Scottish Premier League clubs have proposed a 12-12-18 set-up and Scottish Football League clubs will now put that idea to a ballot.

Meaning Rangers have nothing to play for as you can't get promoted out of the Third Division until 2013-14 season. Complete joke. This is technically our pre-season, in January for next season

I thinks it's great news for the teams who got the extra gate money this year, as they will also get the extra gate money once next year. I wonder if that's what they mean about a more even wealth distribution. Seems well pay for it mind you.

It terms of promotion it makes no difference. So who really cares anyhow!

This mug is so old it doesn't even have the club deck on it. And during that time Scottish football has remained the same. Every week WE (Rangers) are in the news and it is never good news.

Thanks mug!

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