Self Portrait

I tell you, this SP thing isn't as easy as it looks. If you're not careful you'll end up with something approximating to horrible reality and there's no call for that. So! An evening of relaxation is called for - a good book (which I have), and some emails to attend to. Mr Commodore Sir has sent one round with a design which the club could use to put on polo shirts etc so we could all look like plums on social outings. I think it could be better so I've redesigned it and send it back. Just what he didn't need. Now he has to canvas opinion again, invite other entries etc etc. Haha.
And then there's an email about this weekend:

The mains water supply feeding the Yard and the Bell Block is run over ground and freezes regularly during the winter months.
To minimise the number of times it freezes we thought we could dig a trench and bury the exposed pipe as far as possible over the waste ground south of the yard.
A work party armed with picks and shovels would share the pain and I'm sure the exercise will help to burn off the unwanted pounds accumulated during the festive season. Please look out your picks and shovels and bring them along for a 10am start Saturday morning.

Oh joy.

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