
Today was out harvest service at church followed by lunch. I was very good and kept out of the kitchen and let the appointed lady get on with it..  so glad I did as they lost power several times. Each time they blamed the dishwasher. We will head to church tomorrow to sort the said applianceout. I. Just think there were too many people in the kitchen tryin* to make it work!
I was actually upset by an elder before the service and walked out. In fact I was very angry went and sat in costa and had a coffee. I did go back for lunch and someone must have said something to him and I did get an apology. He is far to young and immature to be an e,der and needs to engage his brain before he speaks.
My brother in law was finally creamated yesterday and for €1500 less than the original price! My sister picked up his ashes today.

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