'Home Alone'............... a lot?!

Last night Ann went to her friend, Kay's 'Retirement from teaching do'. Kay is now working in TK Max and loving it. Obviously going to a 'retirement do' involved lots of alcohol drinking for the humans. This morning we had to walk all the way to Kay's house to pick up the car. It's 3.85 miles to Kays house (including a bit of a deviation via Costa Coffee?!). About half of the walk was along the cycle trails which follow the routes of the old Edinburgh railway lines. The cycle trails are great. There's lots of trees and bushes on either side. And lots and lots of squirrels. And as my regular Blip followers will know.......................... I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE chasing squirrels.

Unfortunately the cycle trails are also full of cyclists so I have to stay on my lead. Boooohoo. Anyway the walk to Kay's house took about an hour and 15 mins and when I came home I was very sleepy.

I got left 'home alone' and Ann went out to do a 'Meet & Greet'. She said she'd take me into the field to play with my ball when she came back. She lied................................ When she came home it was pouring with rain so I only got a little 'round the block' walk on my lead. Apparently all the grass in the field would have been too waterlogged for me to play with my ball.

Mmmmmm................... I think that's probably just an excuse. However, I have to say, I was pretty sleepy today so when I'd had my little 'round the block' walk I went back into my bed for another snooze.

And then I got left 'home alone' AGAIN?!

Ann went to the 'Corstorphine Inn' for early tea and then she went to the 'Corstorphine Bowling Club' for Ladies Night. She told me she was only going for two drinks??!! She did only have two drinks at the Bowling Club she had two in the pub as well lol, but then she got the bus home (taxis are a luxury that Ann only really uses if it's mega late at night and she can't use her OAP senior bus pass. Lol!)

When Ann came home, 5 hours later, I was happily snoozing. Out for a 'round the block walk'. I had a wee & a poo. Yay! And now I'm happily snoozing again. Yay!

PS – Ann's friend has just phoned her.......................... she's won a bottle of wine and a box of chocolates on the raffle. Not bad for £2.50 worth of tickets!!!!

PPS – Think 'Ladies night' is probably going on until about 1am.


Toodles xxx

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