Shrouded in mist

Sometimes ............ not often................. but very occasionally ............... Ann says that she wishes she could swop me for a well behaved collie?!

Today was one of those days!

I had to go to the vets for my annual check up so Ann said we would walk there. Well; firstly, walking to the vets, and back, means an hour and a half on my lead. As I'd already had my morning walk on my lead that meant I wasn't going to get any 'run about time' so I went into a bad mood.

Secondly, to get to the vets we had to walk along the main road; which is where the buses go. I don't like buses. They make a horrible noise and they're big and scary. I saw seven buses this afternoon.

When I hear a bus coming I pull on my lead and do my most ferocious barking. Everyone on the bus laughs at me but I don't care. I've never liked buses. Ann goes mad at me. She says that at my age, and with my intelligence, I should know by now that buses are not going to hurt me.

Anyway on the walk home I had to 'pose' just before we got to the bus station so that Ann could blip St Ives shrouded in mist and blip me in my new collar & lead which is illuminous. Fortunately there were no buses in the bus station, otherwise I probably wouldn't have been posing so calmly?!!

Ann says my behaviour had better be perfect tomorrow otherwise she'll be putting an ad on Blip to see if anyone wants a 'neurotic collie'??!!

PS - I was exceptionally well behaved at the vets.

PPS - I'm lying quietly in my bed now like the well behaved little collie that I usually am. I don't want to be swopped!!!!!

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