Rosie is rubbish at selfies

A very lovely Saturday of doing things that please me. Lie in and a walk with my camera shy friend. Lunch with my housemates then a visit to the fabric shop to buy the wherewithal for a new project. Of course the dress I wanted to make the most had a ridiculously priced pattern. I shall just have to make many of them, like a uniform, to get proper value. And a light corduroy fabric, I feel all 1970’s.

A goodly swim, I have a lot of swimming to do in the coming week- I am still one swim behind from a few weeks ago and the week after this I’m going to be v limited for swimming time and opportunity. Went to Iceland to buy frozen chicken goods beloved of my housemates. I felt like a proper snob, have they never heard of free range meat?? I was happy with my half price shreddies though.

A shoulder of lamb has been roasting afternoon. Lamb, wine, telly. Nice. V nice.

Oh, and I have decided all Christmas presents will be things I have made, tickets for stuff or wonders from the charity shop. Happy with that.

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