Beech Wood Lane

After a successful morning changing the front brake pads on Morrigan (see extra for new and old!), I took Janet out to the new place at Stinchcombe for lunch.

Leaf and Ground has only been open a few weeks, is very grand and full of oak beams and good honey limestone, but still has some work to do before it is excellent. It has, perhaps, been overly popular, and isn't staffed up to cope. It also has some oddities about the iPad ordering system, and by the time I've enjoyed my really good organic beef burger, my locally brewed beer had still not materialised. I did offer a few thoughts to the enthusiastic and rushed off his feet waiter. I'm sure things will improve and I do recommend having a look if you're passing.

Afterward, we walked up Stinchcombe Hill (which nearly killed both of us!) and across the golf course. Dodging golf balls is fun - we were warned of one foursome who didn't appear to anyone to have any idea of where they were sending their balls... but we survived.

Now to give Morrigan a goodly test on the roads... if you see me in your rear view mirror, try not to brake too hard. New pads, you see...

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