Tux in a basket

Crappy weather - like, really crappy - frustrated my plans for a long run, today, so I decided I'd do a bit of house tidying. I mean, I keep it just about tidy enough to be cleaned most of the time but, Lord, I do seem to have a lot of stuff. Piles of books and CDs, clothes, rarely used music equipment, cables, and just... stuff.

So I popped on the playlist for this week's Electronic Ears for a final bit of familiarisation and got on with the job of sorting out the house. It was a partial success, to be honest, but I think I can say I made a (small) dent in it. 

While I was tidying, Tux was sleeping, voluntarily forsaking all of the beds and cushions and armchairs and blankets to sleep here, on top of the kindling. The loon.

I did manage a late run, by the way, if not as long as like for a Sunday and I got the radio show done, too.

-10.3 kgs
Reading: 'In Aleppo Once' by Taqui Altounyan

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