
By Appreciation

And so today brings about the normal rythmn of daily life. My girl returned to Glasgow on Sunday, and whilst I didn't want to be the one to transport her back, I was happy that she is in the right place and that she was just about at the point of being keen to be back.

My man and my boy set off today too. One bound for Valencia the other just down the road. One due to return any minute, the other not for a few weeks. It is a reminder that we all need our own space and that routine and patterm can be good.

I returned to what seems to be a developing rythmn and pattern, that of shopping! I woke up the other night in a sweat, something I do often these days, remembering that I had a 21st birthday nearly upon me.

My girl and I, through the joy of text, decided a teapot, cup and saucer would be a lovely gift. I remember a time when if you gave me anything to do with kitchens as a gift I would have shuddered and yet this year I felt a pang of jealousy as my pal showed off her Christmas gift of a Kitchen Aid. How my world changes constantly. It's no wonder no man can keep up with what I really, really want!

Photoshop news: I marched through lesson 1 happy that I understood and possibly even knew most of the lesson. That was good. Lesson 2 to had me shouting a few times at both the book and the screen - swear words too sometimes. By lesson 3 I felt I was completely overloaded with how and where one could catalog an image and found myself saying' it's only a bloody photograph, it doesn't need war and peace written about it, just save it for goodness sake'. Thereafter I ditched lesson 3 and moved onto lesson 4. I am managing fine here and have started with editing - at last -. However I have noticed that my photographs no longer have file names, you know like DSC0346, that seems to have disappeared - maybe that was the end of lesson 3? I have also not yet learned how to upload from Photoshop so this is not a photoshop edited image. I will persevere, as I am sure we are just reaching the good bits. Feel freee to offer any words of wisdom.

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