Everyone Needs A Citrus Juicer
Another chilly start to the day (but no visits from the aliens).
PD was dragging his heels this morning and I seemed to spend half the time we were out standing waiting on him.
Whilst doing this at one point there was a Roe deer standing watching, well within the range of the lens on the camera. I slowly took the camera off my shoulder, switched it on and started to get it focus whilst watching and making sure I wasn't scarring it. As I lowered my eyes to make sure it was in the frame, PD trotted up and the deer took off.
Great timing you great lummox.
Another wait gave me the chance to breathe on a cobweb to have it show up better in the sun.
Misshapen trees , more fungi, that root again and a tiny flower were also taken whilst waiting on slow-coach.
I went out and bought an angle grinder this morning for cutting scaffolding poles to strengthen a piece of rotting fence. During the whole process I had to give my bandsaw a bit of a service, which slowed things down but at least it was another job done that needed done.
The blip was taken for the club's weekly challenge (and it was a challenge I have to say) ….. "What modern convenience of 2019 can not you live without? Create an image that looks like an advertisement for your favourite Modern Convenience."
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