Even more toilet training RANTINGS!!!


The last couple of evenings I've wee'd in the house?!! On Tuesday evening Ann went out at 5.10pm and she came home at 9.40pm and I'd had a wee in the kitchen. And last night I had a wee in the kitchen when Ann wasn't looking (so she couldn't tell me off because she didn't actually catch me in the act).

Why do I do this? I go out at regular intervals but unfortunately I don't always go to the toilet when I'm taken out. I think I'm pretty clever. I can go for a two hour walk without going to the toilet. According to Ann, that's not clever; it's just stupid?!! Apparently I have to go to the toilet every single time I get taken out because that is what dogs are supposed to do. And also how am I supposed to know when I'm next going to be taken out. It's not like I can tell the time is it???

I think my very lovely owner, Ann, needs some help here Blippers. I'm almost 11 months old so surely I should be 100% toilet trained by now?

I always have a wee and a couple of poos on my morning walk and I'm pretty good at having a wee on a bit of grass outside our flat just before bedtime. But the rest of the time I'm out................... sometimes I do and sometimes I don't.

Ann put down her new rug at the beginning of August because I'd gone a whole month without wee-ing in the house, but actually she now thinks she's just learnt how to 'manage me'. I'm not toilet trained at all. It's just 'luck' that I don't wee indoors??!!!

If there's any dog trainers/vets/animal behaviourists out there in Blipland that could shed a light on this problem we'd be very grateful because my very lovely owner, Ann, is at the end of her tether with me!!!

This is what we've done today:

8.15-9.00am - 45 min morning walk on my lead. One wee, two poos.

9.00am - Breakfast (which I didn't eat)

9.45 – 11.45 – 'Home alone'. (Ann went swimming)

11.45 – 12.00 – Walk on my extendable lead via a grassy area. One wee.

1.30 – 3.00 – 'Home alone'. (Ann went 'meeting & greeting)

3.45 – 4.30 – Run about time up Blackford Hill (in this Blip). Two poos (that's unusual because I usually only poo in the mornings). Lol! I know, I know. TMI. Possible wee about 4.25pm but my very lovely owner, Ann isn't sure because quite often when I'm zooming around I just stop for a sit down and it's very difficult to tell whether I'm in 'wee-ing position' or just having a sit down????

6.00pm Dinner, but I haven't bothered to eat any of it yet and it's now 6.30pm.


My water bowl gets filled up every morning and I've probably drunk about 15-20% of it today.

At the moment I'm having a little snooze on the sofa. My very lovely owner, Ann, is staying in with me tonight and I'll probably go out for my bedtime wee around 10pm.

…............But the balcony door is always open for me if I'm desperate for a wee. All I have to do, is push it open with my nose. I'm pretty stupid though. I just think the balcony is for going out to chew plants??!! And then I get into trouble.

Sooooooooo............................ any ideas lovely Blippers?????

My very lovely owner, Ann speaking now....................

..............Surely an (almost)11 month old collie pup should be toilet trained by now.  
#Colliesaresupposedtobeintelligent  #Ineedwine  #ForgetGoSoberInOctober

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