Abstract Thursday - Triskele
This morning was spent clearing out the greenhouse and pressure washing it, prior to setting it up for the winter. There were a few last tomatoes and cucumbers etc that I was able to take off before it all went to the compost piles, and this began life as one of the small green peppers.
I've had quite a bit of fun playing with it (my favourite version using a symmetry filter was far too rude to put up here) and this far more sedate version has been fartnarkled using Luminar, Affinity Photo and FX Studio CK.
Three is an important number in many spiritual traditions, and pagans often mark their path using the triskele or triskelion. It emotes the idea of rotation, and of coming together, and of course of the trinity of land sea sky / above below and within / sun moon earth. Other traditions use it too.
Given the current state of the planet, environmentally, politically and socially, no-one suggest it looks like it's all going down the plug'ole...
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