
By Hillyblips

Here for a Stretch

Phew...arrived back home from Mum in hospital in the early hours and although pneumonia has been diagnosed the C word (as the nurse called it making me feel like I was in Hogwarts dealing with he who shall not be named) which had been bandied about for the last couple of days proved to be unfounded! So it was not as bad as we had all been told. Am definitely a happier bunny today! I really have got to say thank you to everyone yesterday for their comments and good wishes - I read them while being chauffeured up north and it was incredibly comforting. What a lovely community we have here in blip!

Here is a Tundra Swan also known as a Bewick Swan differing from the Whooper Swan in that it has far less yellow on it's beak and is fractionally smaller. It breeds on the NE tundra by the Arctic Ocean, winters over here with a large flock usually coming to Slimbridge each year. This was one of a solitary pair on the marshes this morning.

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