Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

A posh street

Went swimming after 11am today. Aquafit takes up the whole pool till nearly 10am, then the toddlers are in, taking up the shallow end and so there are no lanes. Only did 20 minutes. And, it's really too late to go, the day is half gone by the time you're back and ready for off. Earlier tomorrow.

I popped into town with my new camera bag. I must say, it's marvellous. Easy to swing off when sitting in a bus, just release the clip. And handy to get the camera out. Of course, it's a bit bigger than my other one, so no doubt I'll fill it will all sorts of things that I might need (eg nuts for squirrels, torches), thereby making it heavier.

I accidentally bought a pair of shoes. I already have a very comfortable pair from this shop, and it's newly opened in Edinburgh. Of course - comfy as anything in the shop - and indeed at home. I have them on. Luxury. But as soon as I go outside with them on, and therefore can't change my mind, they begin to nip my one nuisance toe and are consigned to the back of the wardrobe. But maybe these will be different...

Today I went up the Scotsman Steps. These used to be a no-go area, stinky and revolting, in fact. Now they're beautiful.

Mind you, when they were first done, in collaboration with the Fruitmarket Gallery, the ubiquitous, revolting, disgusting chewing gum soon appeared. Can you believe it?? I went to inform the Gallery, who claimed the steps were classed as a 'street' and so the Cooncil were responsible for keeping them clean. I wrote to the Cooncil pointing out that the work of art should be kept clean and tidy. They cost enough.

I wanted to shoot in landscape, but couldn't fit them in. I'm not keen on the way blip displays portrait shots with the big black side edges.

BTW, my fleeting whiff of an adventure last week (Uncle A was somewhat alarmed) was soon snuffed out as realisation set in. After my day in London, sore and aching and very tired (and we didn't walk very far!) I knew I could not go on any adventure that involved physical effort. Sitting and relaxing, say, in a luxury Swiss train, is my kind of adventure!

S is planning to climb Mt Kilimanjaro this year, and she's just been riding a camel for days in Morrocco, so you get the idea of her adventures. The adventure that I would love to go on would have loved to go on 10 20 30 40 years ago would have me genuinely dressed as Nanook of the North.

And it involved dogs.

Wonder if you can guess...

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