
We went to visit my Gran this morning which I'm always apprehensive about as I, selfishly, always find it upsetting. Olivia too, was a little apprehensive as it can be quite scary for children visiting the home as all the old dears want to touch the kids and talk to them.
I explained to her that her Great Grandma can't hear, talk or see very well but that she can feel and therefore she loves having cuddles. Olivia really took this on board and was an absolute angel when we visited today as she climbed up onto her knee and gave her loads of cuddles and stroked her as she said her skin felt really soft. I was so proud of Olivia as she acted really maturely and was so gentle with Gran. She also drew her a picture when we were there which my Gran wouldn't let go of as she wanted it for her bedroom.
Olivia and Dexter helped her to open some Christmas presents and for a moment she seemed to understand and was happy and content.

I will cherish these memories and the photos that I took for a long time to come.

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