Looking South

Well, it’s just another day in paradise.  Strange to report that I woke up with an irrational urge to cook.   Which I did, but not until p.m. when CMC was away in the Toon.  She returned with a team of contract cleaners to give the kitchen a bottoming.  All worthwhile though as the roasted vegetable toasties went down well.   

In the absence of my carer I was delegated to track the pending Canadian cousins.  They were initially held up south of Glasgow but they retuned their cat whisker and got back in touch from somewhere between Inverness and Dunbeath.

The postie returned from his holidays today.  He says everyone in the Mediterranean now knows all the Orcadian post codes.

Today’s grudge match was between a Glendronach Batch 6 v Batch 7.  Batch 7 won showing a discernible deeper deepness.

As a point of peripheral interest does anyone in the Blip Community know the exact dates of the forthcoming ‘Third Man’ Tour of the Orkney Islands?

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