CapturedMoments's journal

By CapturedMoments


There are not many churches in Nanchang, actually I only know of two - this one and the Catholic Cathedral. Religion in China is strictly regulated by the government and only official churches are allowed to operate - there are occasional spats between the Chinese government and the Vatican over the appointment of bishops in China for example. There are underground churches and home churches but these face crackdowns from time to time. Also some expats hold meetings in hotels or their own homes but again these are not official though I think they are less scrutinised as long as Chinese citizens are not attending.

This particular church, which is a Protestant one as far as I know, is actually pretty knew. There was another one on this site but it was demolished a few years back and this one built in its place. I have never been inside but peering through the gates and the open door the interior looked quite simple. I like the fact it is still decked out in its Christmas splendour though.

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