Wide Wednesday . . . Stones

No shortage of stones at the Waimea River.  This was just before the sunlight went and it started to rain.  Normally I would have found a viewpoint that didn't include the vehicle but it  belongs to a man who was whitebaiting.  You can't really see but his cage is in the river waiting for the little fish to run into it.  It is a traditional activity here in springtime and I wanted it in my journal.  In the image I liked being able to see the stones under the water as well as on the bank.  I always pick up an attractive stone when I'm down here and today two stones came home with me.  Both are worn by the river and are no longer oval but have four sides.  One is light purple and the other grey and patterned like granite with a line  of white quartz.   Thanks Bob for the challenge.     

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