Clichéd View

I know this view of Queenstown and Lake Wakatipu has been photographed (and probably blipped) millions of times before. But the important thing about this photo is that I took it.

In order to get this view you have to go up in the Skyline Gondola and out onto the viewing platform. Which means that I (yes me!) went up in the Gondola. I've tried a couple of times before but never managed to actually sit in the carriage - and have bailed at the last minute. It must be something to do with maturity (being over half a century old), because today I coped reasonably well - and even managed to look out at the view a couple of times - I just had to make sure I didn't look down!

For those of you who don't know of Queenstown, it is the adventure tourism centre of New Zealand - a 'must do' tourist destination purely because of the amazing scenery and geography. Read more here.

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