
This afternoon I went to Hermitage of Braid to chase squirrels. There were loads of squirrels that needed chasing today. I did my speediest running for about an hour and a half but I didn't manage to catch one single one. Boohoo. Pesky squirrels are very annoying little creatures. Every time I almost caught one, it ran up a tree. And I haven't learnt how to climb trees yet!!!

I'm very, very tired now.

Ann is also very, very tired because before she took me for my walk she had swam 150 lengths. She had the whole pool to herself today so set herself a little challenge to keep swimming until someone else got in the pool. It was an hour and a half before anyone else got in the pool??!!

I'm going to spend the evening snoozing but Ann's off out with her friends so there'll be no snoozing for her. There'll be no 'going sober in October' either. Lol!

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