
By oryk

The Sort

Today I:
(in no particular order)

wished I slept enough to have "woken up";
(that does to make sense)
((I can't decide if that's 'to' or 'too'))
(((Yes, AlwayWandering, I now have audiobooks ready)))

spent my first half hour of consciousness wrestling with open registration to get my schedule sorted for my next (and last- please let it be the last) semester in graduate school;
(totally worked both yoga and Scuba diving into my schedule, 'cause I'm cool like that)

let "uplifting rock" lure me out of bed;

looked up and realized I was that person sitting in the trendy cafe, sipping a latte, typing away on a Mac, listening to atmospheric jazz, and wondering when and how I walked into this cliche;

earned my latte in at least two ways;

finessed sentences;

took the scenic route;
(first on purpose, then not so much)

road my bike down a quiet residential road as roses grew, dogs barked and a kindly old man wave and smiled;

let my mind wander in cinematic soundscapes;

sorted through (someone else's) mountain of paperwork,
(a small portion of which is pictured here);

closed my eyes and listened to the kind of blues you can feel in your bones;

ordered pizza;

lost time to bossa nova;
(apparently, I listened to about ten different musical genres today);

played "name that staffer" while listening in on a conference call;
(with people I haven't seen or spoken with in years)

morning'd strangers;

disappointed the dog;

actually made a comment or two on "social' websites;


failed in a photo-based wall art project.
(tomorrow I'll work on plan B)

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