South Leith
Another back-blip.
Our wanderings through 'Open Doors' yesterday took us up the Calton Hill, into the City Observatory, across the road into the Burns Monument, where a rather good quartert were performing.
Then we went down to Leith, and into the Custom House - all sorts of interesting nautical flotsam and jetsam in there, then St Mary's Star of the Sea, a Pugin church and very bright and beautiful. Lastly we went into South Leith Parish Church, which is also splendid - that's the hammer beam roof.
The extra is the War Memorial. The extra large wreath commemorates the centenary, in 2015, of the Gretna Rail Disaster, in which 226 people died, nearly all of them men from a Territorial battalion of the Royal Scots, recruited in Leith. They were on their way to Gallipoli. Following a collision, the ancient wooden, gas-lit train caught fire. 246 others were injured. No wonder Leith remembers.
I doubt if I'll manage a shot for today. I'm feeling distinctly under the weather, and the weather is not very encouraging. Tomorrow is another day!
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