
A varied morning; making a batch of beeswax creams, writing a small piece about our community for 24-7 HQ, visiting a friend, spending time with the homeless friends pictured (Salomé insisted on taking a pic of us!), bumping into Sole from Sa Penya etc etc... 
I gave Salomé a pot of cream and was surprised at how touched she was, bless her!
Discovered that one homeless friend was punched in the face and is now in a coma in intensive care after having a bleed on the brain...awful...going to have to work out if we can see him...
Danny's just back from prison and is now doing a reccy of who's out on the street and would like some dinner - extra treat tonight as a friend made us a huuuuge dessert which we'll never get through just us 4!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) A really lovely lovely time with the guys pictured. Saw some real anger from them though over empty promises they've been made. They really do get treated as substandard citizens. 
2) A happy Asha bounding home after school.
3) WhatsApp for keeping in touch across countries. 

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