Football and other delights.....

The Boss had other issues this morning so we didn’t go with the walkers but we did go staggering later to the Botanical Gardens and their Cafe which had bacon and egg paninis and school holiday kids. No you couldn’t eat the kids but they were huge fun to watch. One little bloke gobbled has way through a complete punnet of strawberries then had us in fits as he tried to put his backpack on backwards., I think he was pre school. In another delightful incident The Boss had a brief affair with a Puppy who was in someone’s arms and responded wonderfully to The Boss’s attention as did the entire contents of the lift. Only the puppy tried to lick his nose however.
The football image is a sculpture in Jack ILott Green (Local park) and search as he did we could not find any info but it appeared he was a famous football bloke. It’s a great sculpture which The Boss thought appropriate for some reason.
As we were walking back there was a plastic bottle rolling across the footpath and this bloke in front of us stepped out, picked it up and carried it to the plastic disposal bin at the gas station we were passing.
Question...How many people do you know that would have done that and if not why not. (Thought for the day)

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